Terms & Conditions

• Default billing:

All members are required to keep an active credit/debit card on file to be used for membership payments, retail purchases or any other purchase within the gym.

• Transaction fees:

Fees associated with your membership payments are as follows ($0.35 + 1% for direct debit and $0.35 + 1.75% for credit card payments).

• Transaction bounce fees:

Any failed transaction within the Fitbox system will result in a $6 fee that is billed to you.

• Notice for Cancellation:

All group class members on direct-debit memberships must give 4 weeks of membership notice to cancel which will start on the following Monday from request.

• Refunds:

Payments for upfront membership terms and visit passes will not be refunded if already processed.

• Fee increases:

Your fees may be subject to change during your time at CrossFit Caloundra.

• Membership holds:

You can hold your membership for a minimum of 2 weeks and maximum of 6 weeks. You can request 2 hold periods every 6 months. You must give (7) days notice for any hold request.

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